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As Google can interpret it as an attempt aimed exclusively at publishing a link. Joshua in his article gives us very simple advice to avoid behaving like everyone else does. In fact when a technique begins to spread it loses its value. In fact try to imagine a blog in which there are a large quantity of articles written by external authors. It is easy to believe that there is no filter or selection it is a site where anyone can publish what they believe perhaps for a financial compensation. Therefore avoid contacting bloggers who openly make themselves available to accept guest posts.If you have valuable content in line with the content of the host blog and without any obvious advertising purpose you will most likely receive favorable responses. . HARO Featured and Qwoted collaborate with journalists to do Phone Number Data free and quality link building how to do free link building with HARO HARO Help A Reporter is a platform that connects journalists from various online newspapers including very authoritative ones Reuters Fox News Time Mashable The New York Times who are looking for competent answers to include in their articles with professionals who due to their experience are able to respond.,h_428,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_auto/bf7bae_bbb89c5d60d14ab8be28768560c09bcd~mv2.jpg
A technique widely used by SEO professionals consists in responding quickly and in a clear concise and competent manner to the questions asked within this portal. Why is this a free link building technique Simple the journalist who finds the answer you provided useful will cite you with a high probability in his new article. It is no longer you who asks for or pays for a link but it is the journalist himself who in exchange for your help inserts it into his article. Featured offers a similar service. It is no coincidence that he calls them win win . The victory or rather the benefit is for both figures at stake the experts in a given sector.