Your digital marketing budget during a recession will give you a better return if you target existing customers. Let your current customers know you appreciate them by staying in touch through thank you emails, empathetic messages, exclusive discounts, and so on. After all, they are the ones who make repeat purchases, understand your services, and best of all, recommend you to other customers. Lean on being a consistent brand There is no doubt that more digital marketing efforts need to be made during a recession.
But consider that, to break through, since there is less “marketing noise”, you may not need as much budget as before. If you maintain consistency and coherence with your brand, your audience will feel your commitment. To do this, it is essential to develop a monthly Digital Marketing Service marketing strategy plan, which includes publication of notes of interest on your blog, emails, content on social networks, videos and everything that is part of your company's communication portfolio. Don't forget that on networks you need to amplify your content with advertising.
Otherwise you will invest a lot of effort and reach few people. However, advertising amplification doesn't have to be expensive - just consistent - to help you stay relevant and reach your entire audience. Send a positive and empathetic message Your company's marketing plan must always be updated, but even more so when economic and market conditions change. A crucial step here is to ensure that your brand is sending a positive message, one that fits the sensitive mood of your customers and prospects and avoids any resentment.