In fact, just as the Professor challenged his class to put rocks, pebbles and sand in the jar, we must think that our strategy also consists of the same materials. We must therefore define which: Are the big rocks essential to your strategy? Are these the pebbles , which are secondary and supportive to your business? Are little things, or distractions, the sand of your business? Most companies, claim that their rocks are their customers .
Of course, But are we really sure that they play the role of rocks in our jar? We are a complete list of unit phone numbers convinced that our customers are actually represented by water . In fact, water is the last element inserted into the jar.
It fills it completely, occupies the empty spaces, but above all, it unites all the other components. And this is a great representation of the Inbound Marketing philosophy .
Lead generation strategy that starts from Content Our rocks , are our contents . So we use these first, to fill our jar. Creating engaging content is essential to successful B2B or B2C lead generation activities. And this also includes all the tools we use to generate traffic, such as the website , SEO strategy , PPC campaigns and Social Media . Of course, we must not forget that it is necessary to offer the right content, at the right time, to the right person , if we want to obtain good results.