Surroundings Example : VISA, Nescafe or Saga a sense of community and belonging to a specific group. He likes to fit in, doesn't like to stand out, and is afraid that he may be rejected as a result. The Lover Goal : Create intimacy, inspire love Characteristics : Passionate, sensual, romantic, warm, committed, intimate Flaw : May be too selfless Example.
Victoria's Secret, Marie Claire, Merci, Chanel, Durex The brand, which is based on the Lover archetype, is responsible for helping people feel appreciated, connect, enjoy intimacy, build relationships, experience sensual pleasure. Its natural Bahamas Mobile Number List opponent is loneliness and being unloved. Jester (The Jester) Goal : have a nice time, bring joy to the world Traits : Funny, with a sense of humor, carefree, mischievous, irreverent Flaw : Can be perceived as frivolous or even disrespectful Example .
IKEA, M&Ms, Old Spice Brands that identify with the jester archetype, on the other hand, help people have fun or enjoy what they do, making their audiences more impulsive and spontaneous. They fight boredom. Group III Risk The Hero Goal : Help improve the world Traits : Brave, bold, honorable, strong, confident, inspiring Disadvantage : Can be perceived as arrogant Example : Nike, BMW, Duracell The Hero's primary job is to make the world a better place, solve problems, or enable/inspire others to do so. A hero shouldn't show weakness.